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Showing posts from February, 2012

The ECPM rejects stigmatization Eastern-European workers by the Dutch "Party for Freedom"

The ECPM rejects a recent action taken by the Dutch ‘Party for freedom’ (PVV) against workers from new EU member-states. The PVV recently created a hotline for Dutch people to report behavior by workers from these states that ‘does not fit in Dutch culture’ and also to report so-called ‘job-stealing’ by mentioned workers. We call on the Dutch government to distance itself from this action in clear terms. This is even more necessary considering the fact that this initiative is taken by a party that gives parliamentary support to the Dutch government.

Prayers in the US Congress

Please find below two prayers in the US House of Representatives. One prayer was prayed the day I visited the US Congress 03 February 2012. The other prayer was the first prayer of the Continental Congress in 1774.  "Be Thou present, O God of wisdom, and direct the councils of this honorable assembly; enable them to settle things on the best and surest foundation." By Leo van Doesburg &  Theresa Creel