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Showing posts from November, 2011

No EU Funding on Research with Embryos and Embryonic Stem Cells

Brussels - Today MEPs from different political groups and different countries urged the European Commission not to finance research with embryos and embryonic stem cells under the new research framework program Horizon 2020. On November 30, the European Commission will present its proposal for the next research and innovation programme Horizon 2020. In the context of the EU research policy, research which includes human embryos and embryonic stem cells has always been a controversial issue.

Large response for the conference: "Beyond individualism" that will take place in London 25-26 November 2011. If you want to participate, register now!

Some time ago, I announced this conference about "Beyond individualism: why Civil Society needs Christian Political Engagement" that will take place on Friday 25 & Saturday 26 November in London, United Kingdom. I received good news from the ECPM office. New speakers have been added recently to the packed program. Many speakers from several political organisations and different denominational backgrounds will contribute to the colloquium & conference, making Beyond Individualism the Christian political event of the year in Britain! Also there is a large response! More than 130 attendants already have registered for this conference. So if you want to participate too, please register soon!! Places are becoming scare so we urge you to book as soon as possible on the Beyond Individualism website . I will of course also be there, so maybe see you in London??  More information about the speakers see also below

Romanian Prayer Breakfast 7-9 December 2011 about "Church and State"

On 7-9 December, the Senate, the Chamber of Deputies and the Ecumenical Prayer group from the Romanian Parliament will organize in collaboration with the European Christian Political Movement (ECPM) the 6th Romanian Prayer Breakfast in the Palace of Parliament in Bucharest. The Romanian Prayer Breakfast will be followed by a debate on the theme: "Church and State". If you need more information, please send me an email to: Participation to the Prayer Breakfast has to be confirmed only after registration and reviewing by the organizers.  Please find more information below

Conference about “the active and positive role of Minorities in Serbia-Voivodina in the Serbian EU integration process

On 29 October, ECPM organized an important event in the Festive Room of the Vrsac City Hall in Voivodina (Serbia) together with the Alliance of Romanians in Voivodina and the National Council of the Romanian Minorities in Voivodina. Representatives of different communities that are living in the Voivodina province came together to discuss about ways for collaboration with each other and with the central government in order to promote the accession of Serbia into the European Union. The conference was attended by members of National Councils and representatives from the Croatian, Hungarian, Macedonian, Romanian, Rusynean, and Slovak communities in Voivodina, Besides the meeting was attended by the Provincial Secretary of Voivodina for Education, Self-Government and National Communities, A deputy from the parliament of Voivodina, vice President of the Vrsac community, and the local executive (and member of the community council of Vrsac) for minorities and religious affairs.

My message at the conference on the Positive-Active Role of Vojvodina-Serbian Minorities in the Serbian EU Integration Process”, in Vrsac (Serbia), on 29th October 2011

First of all I would like to say that I am honored and it is a pleasure to be at this important conference about “The positive-active role of Vojvodina-Serbian minorities in the Serbian EU integration process”.  It is great that the conference is taking place in the beautiful city of the “little top”, in Vrsac. The chosen theme is a very important and relevant one. Therefore let's split the title “The positive-active role of Vojvodina Serbian minorities in the Serbian EU integration process” in three parts, followed by a conclusion with some recommendations.