From 8-10 December, the Chamber of Deputies, the Senate and the Ecumenical Prayer Group of the Romanian Parliament will organize the 5th Romanian Prayer Breakfast. This event will be organized in collaboration with the ECPM, the Bible Society, and the Dutch Reformed Party. The theme will be: "Christian values in politics" and will take place in the Palace of Parliament in Bucharest.
Program is as follows:
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
18.00 - 19.00 Arrival of the participants
19.00 - 23.00 Cocktail offered by Mrs. Roberta Alma ANASTASE, President of the Chamber of Deputies, in honor of the participants
Cultural - Religious Program.
Thursday, 9 December 2010
08.00 - 08.30 Arrival of the participants
08.30 - 10.00 Romanian Prayer Breakfast
10.00 - 11.00 Tour in the Palace of Parliament
11.00 - 13.00 Opening debate. „Christian Values in Politics”
13.00 - 14.30 Lunch.
15.00 - 18.00 Resumption of debate. Conclusions.
18.00 - 19.00 Cultural program.
19.30 - 21.00 Dinner.
Friday, 10 December 2010
8.30 – 18.00 Optional visit to the Royal Peles Castle in Sinaia and rhe medieval Bran Castle (also known as Dracula Castle)
If you are interested to participate, please send me an email at:
Program is as follows:
Wednesday, 8 December 2010
18.00 - 19.00 Arrival of the participants
19.00 - 23.00 Cocktail offered by Mrs. Roberta Alma ANASTASE, President of the Chamber of Deputies, in honor of the participants
Cultural - Religious Program.
Thursday, 9 December 2010
08.00 - 08.30 Arrival of the participants
08.30 - 10.00 Romanian Prayer Breakfast
10.00 - 11.00 Tour in the Palace of Parliament
11.00 - 13.00 Opening debate. „Christian Values in Politics”
13.00 - 14.30 Lunch.
15.00 - 18.00 Resumption of debate. Conclusions.
18.00 - 19.00 Cultural program.
19.30 - 21.00 Dinner.
Friday, 10 December 2010
8.30 – 18.00 Optional visit to the Royal Peles Castle in Sinaia and rhe medieval Bran Castle (also known as Dracula Castle)
If you are interested to participate, please send me an email at:
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