A CALL TO PROTECT THE DIGNITY OF PEOPLE WITH DOWN On the 21 st of March, we celebrated the World Down Syndrome Day at the European Parliament . The activities to honour this day started last week, when the Brussels office of ECPM took part in the Socks' Battle that was organized to draw attention to the rights of people, and especially children with Down syndrome. Yesterday, ECPM-MEP Marek Jurek co-hosted with MEP Miroslav Mikolášik a well - attended conference with the title: "Are we in Europe doing our best for the health of people with trisomy 21?" The Conference was addressed by the President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani as well as MEP Pieter Liese. During this conference, I was invited to tell about the NIPT Test that is a serious threath to the future existence of people with Down Syndrome. I also presented a statement we prepared against the use of prenatal testing techniques that target Down syndrome in collaboration with the World Youth A...