The issue of abortion came again in the forefront recently. In the Polish Parliament, there was a debate on a Bill for a str icter ban on abortion. Of course, the pro-ab ortionists used this opportunity to criticize th is effort and to frame the people who want to protect the life of the unborn . I nterestingly, they are also openly proclaiming that abortion is an EU comp etence ne glecting the legal limitation s of the EU. One week before , ano ther meeting was org anized in the European Parliament by the S&D Group where they discussed about what to do with doctors or midwifes who can not perform abortions be cause of their conscience. The freedo m to choose does not seem to be valid for doctors with an other worldview. That's why they are p ushing them to act against the ir conscience. The pro-abortionists or the so-called, "freedom to choose" movement showed its real face going aga inst f reedom and against democr...