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Showing posts from September, 2013

"One of Us" reaches 1 Million signatures to demand the EU to ensure the “full protection of the human being as the first and fundamental right in the society”.

The European Citizen’s Initiative (ECI) “One of us” has announced today that is has reached the necessary signatures to be introduced as an official petition to the European Commission. The collection of signatures will go on until October 31 st . This ECI, which requires support by at least one million EU citizens from a minimum of 7 EU member states, is an official invitation to the European Commission to introduce a legislative change to suspend EU-funding of embryonic stem cell research. (Source:  European Dignity Watch)

Register now for the Romanian Prayer Breakfast and the international conference on Human Dignity

On 25 – 27 September, the Ecumenical Romanian Parliamentary Prayer Group organized in collaboration with the European Christian Political Foundation the 8th Romanian Prayer Breakfast followed by an international conference on Human Dignity. The Romanian Prayer Breakfast will be hosted by the President of the Chamber of Deputies of the Romanian Parliament, Mr. Valeriu Ştefan Zgonea.  After the international conference, also parallel sessions will be organized focused on pro-life and the integration of people with disabilities in Romania and to mark the launch of the Romanian Chapter of the World Youth Alliance. For our international guests a special session will be organized where the Universal Declaration for Human Dignity will be discussed.  More information about the conference, speakers etc. you will find here Find more practical details (location, hotels etc) here The draft program you will find here Register here