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Showing posts from May, 2012

Possible chapel in the (secular) Czech parliament

A group of MPs thinks there might be something missing from Parliament: a chapel for saying prayers. Since the parliamentary elections in 2010, MPs of the newly formed conservative right-wing party TOP 09, including TOP 09 MP group leader Petr Gazdík, have been mulling over this idea. Now that idea seems to be gaining momentum. In a country that is noted for being one of the most secular in the world - with just 13 percent of the population expressing a religious affiliation - the proposal does not come without controversy. (source  Prague Post)

Latest resolution against homophobia exceeds the competences of the European Parliament

The resolution against homophobia – or better: the resolution on public control of the individual and collective mind-set of citizens in Europe passed as expected in plenary vote yesterday in Strasbourg. As EDW reported on Wednesday , the resolution is highly problematic. One point of particular concern is the pressure that this resolution puts on member states to legalize same-sex marriage – an area that is wholly outside of the competences of the EU.The text was voted with the overwhelming majority of 430 for, 105 against and 59 abstentions. Check here how your MEP voted.  The most scandalous part of the resolution is, however, the way it was put on the political agenda of the European Parliament.  (Source  European Dignity Watch )

Former President Boris Tadic will form a new government under the agreement of president Nikolic

After the last elections in Serbia, Tomislav Nikolic was elected as new President for Serbia. Serbia's President-Elect, and Boris Tadic, the country's former president, have agreed that a new government must be formed as soon as possible. Tadic and Nikolic met on Monday at the presidential building in Belgrade to "discuss the transfer of duties". The pair talked about the goals that Serbia should achieve including better living standard, solving economic problems, European integration, fight against crime and corruption. Tadic, who briefly addressed media with Nikolic, said they have agreed that it was necessary to establish all the institutions as soon as possible.  (Source  Balkan Insight )


Invitation to the ECPF and ECPM congresses, 7 & 8 June (Brussels)

Dear friends, dear readers I am pleased to announce that the European Christian Political Foundation (ECPF) and the European Christian Political Movement (ECPM) will hold their annual congresses in Brussels, 7 and 8 June respectively.  The theme of this year’s ECPF Congress is 'Values; Foundations for Europe's economy' and will take place in the European Parliament 7June 2012. Speakers will include Tomáš Sedláček (adviser to Vaclav Havel and the current Czech government, writer of Economics of Good & Evil ), Philip Blond (adviser to PM David Cameron and writer of Red Tory ), Michael Schluter (Director of 'Relationships Global'), Dr. Luigino Bruni (adviser to the Holy See), Peter Briscoe (founder of Crown Europe) and Dutch Senator Dr. Peter Ester. The following day, on June 8, a symposium on ‘EU relations with Israel’ and the 8th Annual ECPM General Assembly will be organized by ECPM at Martin’s Central Park, Boulevard Charlemagne 80, in Brussels....

Hungarian cardinal law on protection of Families reviewed by the Venice Commission

The Venice Commission is currently reviewing the Hungarian cardinal law on the Protection of Families. This law has been strongly criticised, especially for defining family as “based on the marriage of a man and a woman,” and for protecting human life since conception  and concludes that this law respects the letter and the spirit of international treaties on family and follows the legitimate aim to set foundations for the recovery of the country through the protection of life and family. The  European Centre for Law and Justice (ECLJ) submitted a Memorandum [1] to the Venice Commission demonstrating that this law respects the letter and the spirit of international treaties on family and follows the legitimate aim to set foundations for the recovery of the country through the protection of life and family. By: Grégor Puppinck, PhD, Director of the ECLJ ( )